Becoming Friends with the UGH

We all know that UGH feeling. That feeling when things just aren’t working right. It’s uncomfortable, and you’re not quite happy. You wish things were different and just want to feel better.

Well, believe it or not, it’s supposed to be uncomfortable. The UGH is there to guide you. To wake you up and bring you back to the present.

The UGH feeling is similar to the bump, bump, bump, bump you feel when your car veers a little off center and hits the rumble strips. It’s there to tell you if you continue moving in this direction, you’re going to either run off the road and land in the ditch (stuck & frustrated) or end up driving against oncoming traffic (panic and fear).

You don’t continue to drive on the rumble strips feeling the bump, bump, bump and wonder why you’re still there, asking “why does this always happen to me?” No, you realign your car and get back to center.

The UGH feeling is telling you to do the same thing!

Wake up.

Stay Present.

Get back to center.

Realign yourself.

Typically if you’re feeling depressed, you’re staying in the past, and if you’re feeling anxiety, you’re worrying about the future. You aren't engaging in the present from either place. The UGH feeling you feel is just like your car’s GPS that's saying: wrong direction!

The UGH is your friend. It gives you clarity. Knowing what you don’t want is wonderful feedback and helps you in determining what you do want. It brings you back to the present, which is where you make all your decisions.

Just like Louise Hay says “The point of Power is in the present moment.”

That’s the only place you can truly make a decision of how you’re going to act, or choose to be right now. You can plan your future all you want but the present moment, the right now is the only time that matters.

Stay Present.

Get back to center.

If you’re not sure, or you don’t know how you want to act, then stop leaving it up to chance. It’s time to take action and decide.

Start by thinking of your closest friends and the people in your life who you respect the most. How would you want them to describe you? What words do you value the most? Make a list of 5-15 words you want to be described as.  Be sure to write out the definitions to be entirely sure this is how you want to define yourself. Choose words to describe how you want to treat others, how you want to treat yourself, who you are in relationships. Get clear. Stay centered.

I call this list my Centerline. When I’m off center, feeling the UGH, I can tell where I’m off by reviewing the words that I value. Am I congruent? Am I authentic? If not, I know what I need to do to get back in alignment.

And you will too. You will eventually stop letting the UGH stress you out and start to give thanks for the reminder to get back in alignment with who you truly are. Thank the UGH feeling for allowing it to show you what you don’t want in your life and for bringing you back to the present.

Embarking on this journey when you were born, the greatest gift is your life, and your greatest honor is to become the best version of your BEST self.

Enjoy your journey!

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Soften the corners with love, light and playful movement

Play!  Skip!  Jump!

Karaoke! Sing - even off key!

Dance - even off beat!

Move! Let the energy of life flow through you!

Stop being stagnant and worried about what's going to happen or what just happened!

Life is fun and the world is your playground!

Look at life with a sense of wonder!

Look at yourself with a sense of wonder!

So get up! Get going! Get moving!

Ahhhh the beauty of life gets dull when the pages stop turning and we stop focusing on what is around us. You can't just stare at the page & expect it to brighten and enlighten - it takes movement for that!

Even if you can't move yourself have someone else or something else move you! A song, spirit, a movie, a letter, or a book can move you!

Stop having all the edges ridged. Soften the corners with love, light and playful movement.

When we stop playing, we stop living, and we stop enjoying the little things!

So get up! Get going! Get moving!

Have some fun! ❤


I’m not sorry - I’m Thankful!!

I’m not sorry - I’m THANKFUL!

I’m sorry!  How many times have I said those words?  I found myself saying it all the time; even for the littlest things.  I’m sorry!  When the phone rings and I put you on hold; also when I returned to the call, I’d say, “I’m sorry!” Sorry for walking in front of you. Sorry for dropping something.  Sorry for using the copier first. Sorry you’re waiting. Sorry for speaking.

I walked in to a busy grocery store.  People and carts were everywhere.  A lady next to me stopped pushing her basket to let me pass with mine.  “I’m sorry!” I said sheepishly as I moved past her.  And then I thought OH MY GOSH! I did it AGAIN!!! Why did I say sorry? Did I really inconvenience her? She LET me pass!  She stopped!  I’m apologizing for crossing her path? I’m apologizing for being there?  I might as well say:


I understand there IS a time and a place to say “I’m sorry!”  I know the definition of sorry is "feeling or expressing regret for an action that has upset or inconvenienced somebody, or is likely to do so"... but is it necessary to say sorry all the time?

Then I realized:

I’m not sorry - I’m Thankful!

Thank you expresses gratitude!  That is what I truly meant to say:  THANK YOU! I’m thankful she stopped and allowed me to pass.  From then on, I started saying “Thank you!” because I was THANKFUL!

I’m not sorry - I’m Thankful!

I’m thankful you were willing to wait when holding on the phone.  I’m thankful you’re my friend.  I’m thankful you’re helping me fix my paper. I’m thankful you stopped and picked something up for me. I’m thankful you let me use the copier first.  I’m thankful you’re waiting. I’m thankful you’re reading this blog!   And if you happen to hold a door open for me, I’m going to walk in with my head held high and look you in the eye and say, “Thank you!”

Since then, I’ve realized saying THANK YOU produces a completely different result… in me and in others.  Many times when I would say sorry, people would have a facial expression or an attitude of “yeah, you should be sorry… you’re putting me out!”  After I started saying “Thank you!” they changed their tune.  They put a smile on their face and it was obvious they felt appreciated.  Their good deed was acknowledged.  And at the same time, I HAD VALUE!  I allowed myself to occupy my space.  It was a definite win-win.

I’m not sorry - I’m Thankful!

I am THANKFUL to be here and I am THANKFUL to be alive!

There are times when saying “I’m sorry” is the appropriate thing to say.  However, many times a sincere “Thank You” will allow both of you to be appreciated.

To Happy Living!
